I am putting few good tips for Visual Studio (VS) setting to work with Unreal engine.
- Ctrl+k+c: comment the highlighted lines
- Ctrl+k+u: uncomment the highlighted lines
- You can convert a line of code to a function by using this method.
- Visual studio layout tip
- Setting up VS
- Unreal VS extension
- Visual Assist- this is a paid s/w helps development
- Turn off squggles @ VS options->Text Editor->C/C++>Advanced->Intellisense->Disable Squiggles “True”
- VS code is also working with Unreal (4.18 or higher).
- How to set up VS code and some tips:
- Install C/C++ extension from VS market place.
- Make sure that you had installed VS build tool
- Go to File, Settings, type shell, then look for Edit in settings.json:

- Look for where VsDevCmd.bat file is located in your local path, then type as shown below:

- You can also open the code in terminal, directly:

- How to close multiple command terminals:

- Type “cl” command in terminal to see if the compiler sets correctly:

- How to set up source code editor @ Unreal engine: