This is a minimum to learn in order to carry Unreal Engine(UE)/C++ related project work
(work in progress to add reference materials, demo codes, and reference):
Unreal BP has a built in feature to shoot out box shape ray tracing for debugging purpose. This is the official material from Epic. A video demonstrates how to set up Box trace by channel.
In order to apply a function globally available to other BPs globally, there’s a solution called BP function library.
In order to make parameters available on other BPs globally, there’s a solution to make the variables available via a BP actor.
This demo walks you through how to set ray tracing using BP.
MathWorksSimulation plugin allows you to transfer ray tracing information to Simulink for co-simulation. Check the compatible Unreal version for plugin installation.
There’s a radar HUD demo which you might find some insights for different HUD implementation.
For ray tracing, collision type setting is important for other players. Please see this detailed information.
This reference explains how to make C++ class accessible by BP.
This is the form when you want to report a UE bug to Epic games. Before submitting a bug report, you can search here if your issue is already reported by someone else.
In order to utilize input command via keyboard or mouse to move the player, consider this material.
This material explains about lighting property setting.
When you want to know about the class inheritance hierarchy, please check Unreal official documentation. For instance, you will see the inheritance at the top header file.
This does explain array container in UE. You can find some insight how the array works in BP from this documentation as well.
This describes how to remove unwanted C++ class from unreal project.
When you build code from VS, check this out first.
This describes directory structure. The bottom line is, you can remove build/binary/intermediate/saved folders when you recreate visual studio code file.
This describes how to control viewport.
This does describes UE gameplay framework.
This shows a good example of .gitignore which works for Unreal file structure.